EEF Grant Evaluation
Helping Us Make our Library a Community Collaboration Space
By: Heather Wulf North Broadway Librarian
Thank you Escondido Education Foundation for fully funding my Grant Request. Due to receiving this grant, our students gained art, literature and cultural experiences, as well as a collaborative space to use in our library.
I received this grant in November of 2021. However, due to supply line and shipping issues, I was unable to receive the materials from my grant until fall of 2022.
With my grant, I purchased 4 series of Manga books, 3 copies of one stand alone manga book, 3 How to draw manga books, and one book of graphic novel pages to copy for the library. I was also able to purchase 8 pieces of movable furniture to add to others in the library to form collaborative spaces. I also purchased the first book from 2 different manga series along with the How to draw manga book for each of the (12) book club participants.