Summary: Rincon Middle School, “Inspiring School Murals,” 2018 Here is a summary of the 2018 “Inspiring School Murals” grant at Rincon Middle School:
1) What we did well: Planning for the RMS grant called “Inspiring School Murals” began in August with the Graphic Design Club. The project expanded when they decided to collaborate with our
Video Production program to write an Escondido Education Foundation grant. We were successful with the following:
a) The students created a full mural design and obtained approval from the district for their design prior to completing the project.
b) We collaborated with the district Maintenance and Operations department and students receive training on proper painting techniques.
c) The Graphic Design students successfully completed a full wall mural including seven large wood panels.
d) The Video Production students completed a documentary that followed the mural process. We were also able to record the art students over a six-hour time-period to create a time-lapse video.
e) The students had a rich artistic experience where they had to use innovation, creativity, and problem solving to complete the project.
f) Video production students had the opportunity to collaborate with Graphic Design students to document the process of mural design and creation.
2) What we would improve on : This was a big endeavor to achieve and we learned some lessons about mural production that we could improve for next time:
a) Before we begin another mural, we will create mural production sub-committees. We found that this was such a big project, we needed small groups within the large group to manage the materials, communicate about design ideas, etc. This will help keep the project organized and efficient.
b) We learned that using such large wood panels, it is very difficult and time-consuming to move the materials. We found that one hour a week (at the Graphic Design Club) was not enough time to complete the project. We held one Saturday at the end of the school year to complete the project. In the future, we may need to book multiple Saturday painting sessions to complete such a project.
3) What we intend to do as follow-up : Since there was a delay in receiving materials and getting approval for the wall spaces, we were not able to start the second mural. Here is the plan for the coming school year:
a) The completed mural will receive a coat of graffiti paint and be mounted by the EUSD M&O department on the wall across from the cafeteria.
b) Students will begin planning for a second mural using the remaining wood panels and paint materials from this grant. We will purchase additional materials as needed.
c) We would also like to involve the families of our art students in the mural making process to make connections with the community. We had one parent help us but we would like to involve more parents.
Thank you to the EEF for making this possible!
Kirsten Josephson
Larissa Parrott[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][vc_video link=”https://youtu.be/Uh3BaiTo9KU” align=”center”][/vc_column][/vc_row]